Alberto Botella
Alberto Botella
I was born in Barcelona (Spain) many years ago In the 60s I came
to London and established my self as a Freelance Press Photographer. I
retired a few years ago as U.K. Correspondent of a popular weekly
Spanish magazine. I photograph my surroundings attracted by the
complexity/simplicity of our lives. Alfred Stieglitz began
photographing clouds as a young man: he called these photographs
Equivalents because he believed they conveyed his subjective emotional
and psychological experiences. Many other photographers have done the
same thing. My Equivalents are those folks I point my camera at. My
capture can not be repeated. It's unique and transient like clouds. And
my subjective emotional and psychological experiences are enhanced by
making me feel alive. BTW. I still keep my old Nikons Rolleiflex 2.8
and my first Pentax Spotmatic (The tool, in the 60s)